Karate JuJitsu Bracken Ridge - Karate Aerobic
  Su Ha Ri Karate Wadoryu Braken Ridge
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                      Karate Classes

Su Ha Ri school of Wado ryu Kokusai Karate -DO Remni conducts children's and adults' classes in traditional wadoryuKarate-Do, self defence,  competitive Sports Karate in the Government accredited Australian Karate Federation tournaments.

Su Ha Ri school of Wado ryu Kokusai combines the best of the Traditional Curriculum of Japanese Karate with modern self defence theory and practice
The capacity of the KARATE WADORYU to promote physical and mental health is widely appreciated and documented. Some of the positive changes in your child's life will be noticed immediately once they start training, other changes will develop over time

                                What are the benefits? 

Cardiovascular fitness is a major benefit, large portions of each KARATE WADORYU class are aerobic-type activities in which children must breathe properly, thus pushing oxygen to all parts of the body. This helps and increases the child's breathing techniques and strength with in the lungs itself therefore strengthening the oxygen supply to the body
Muscular strength, increases with consistent low impact exercises and techniques. The KARATE WADORYU develops strong arms, legs a torso muscles, these muscles are vital for the balance and stability of the child as they play and grow in every day life. A strong balanced child, is far less likely to fall or loss balance, than a child with a under developed muscular system

Quick reflexes, some people are born with naturally quick reflexes, but most have to develop them. Many times people have saved a falling glass etc that has been knocked off the table, before its smashes on the floor, and thanked their quick reflexes. These quick and lightning reflexes are developed through sports and especially the KARATE WADORYU. Classes present many opportunities for children to improve their own reflexes are they react to the drills in class, their partners moves and to the commands of the class instructor. Many training drill are specifically design to improve alertness and reflexes

Flexibility, we have all seen our children amaze us with their exhibitions of flexibly when they are young. As children grow, their bodies change and their legs often grow faster than their torsos. Normal play activities don't always keep the muscles and ligaments limber and flexible during this time of growth. KARATE WADORYU classes include simple stretches and warm ups which help keep children limber, and over a period of time, can re-create their earlier flexibility. Increased flexibility enhances children's abilities to play, jump, climb, run, skate and walk, and it also lessons the chance of injury.

Coordination, as well as reflexes, flexibility and fitness the KARATE WADORYU also improves coordination, taking classes throughout their childhood helps children to work through the awkward growth stages, to continually make adjustments to their ever changing bodies. In class they learn a variety of basic footwork, kicks, punches and blocks, these are all put together in sequences which improve focus, discipline, control and coordination. Once these basic moves are refined and coordination is improving more advanced moves are introduced such as rolls, throws and break falling, these moves takes the child's coordination to new higher level
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